Step 1: Determine Your Goals
“The questions, I argue, you should be asking are what are your most important goals in your profession or industry that you’re having trouble achieving, and/or what are the problems you’re having on a day-to-day process that you can't seem to solve?...
Stage one is figuring out what’s really going on with people, stage two is ... are we actually helping them achieve those goals and solve those problems? Does what we're offering match up with that? And if it doesn’t, now we need to have a serious conversation about where we go from here.”
Elizabeth Engel Weaver, Spark

“Content always has two hats: what does the organization need, what do members need? So what do they want to know from us vs. what do we want to tell them? (It’s) often not the same.”
Hilary Marsh, content strategist/mentor for associations, nonprofits, corporations and intranets
Setting goals for your content strategy is important so you can have a roadmap for why your association is spending resources on developing content assets.
Typical goals include:
- Increase members and sponsors as a result of your content marketing strategy.
- Increase traffic to your site, because the more traffic there is, the greater the possibilities for meeting your other goals.
- Improve the perception of your association, so you gain influence and authority and are seen as a thought leader.
- Improve SEO success, which leads to more traffic.
- Reduce marketing costs, as your content becomes more effective.
- Engage social media to increase traffic and authority.
- Support strategic objectives.
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