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The second leg is vendors and suppliers.

Having employees from many different backgrounds is vital to your organization, however, there is more opportunity for consistent change through supplier diversity. Many organizations already work with numerous businesses at various levels of sourcing and partnerships. But if you’re not measuring or keeping track of these connections, there’s no method for you to know how to improve upon it.
What is supplier diversity?
Earlier, we learned that diversity involves being diligent concerning hiring qualified team members of various genders, ethnicities, ages and/or sexual orientations.
Supplier diversity means your organization is proactively working with firms that are minority-owned, woman-owned, veteran-owned, LGBT-owned, etc. These groups are necessary for reflecting on your core client demographics and contributory to illustrate what the organization presently lacks.
What qualifies a minority-owned business? And why might you want to look beyond minority business start-ups?
In the US, minority businesses must be at least 51% minority-owned, operated and controlled.
However, the process to become certified as such is tedious because the government and other certifying organizations often require expensive fees and/or a long list of documentation and evidence to substantiate minority status and experience. Because of this, a small minority business might not bother pursuing the certification.
TIP: Bärí advises to look beyond certification for minority-owned companies. She says a better strategy is to build relationships with minority vendors and suppliers that complement your services.
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