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The first leg is employees and staff.

Diversity involves being diligent concerning hiring qualified team members of various genders, ethnicities, sexual orientations and socioeconomic backgrounds.
TIP: It matters where you post your jobs because it indicates that you’re open to receiving applications from diverse applicants. Searching for role-specific organizations (like the Black Marketers Association of America or the National LGBT Bar Association) to host your job postings indicates you’re open to and proactive about finding a variety of candidates.
You’ll also want to conduct interviews using a fair assessment process.
Diversity and Gender Words
The most visible aspect of hiring that influences the makeup of your candidate pool is your job descriptions.
In job descriptions, words are your primary tool. Research has shown that many common words used in job descriptions have male or female associations. And these words in a job description can repel or attract candidates based on their gender.
This means the most qualified job candidates may not apply because they don’t identify with the language used.
What can be done to remove gender words in job titles and descriptions?
Male-oriented titles may hinder women from clicking on your job:
- Examples are titles like "hacker," "rockstar," "superhero," "guru" and "ninja"
- What to use instead: Descriptive titles like "engineer," "project manager" or "developer"
Use of pronouns:
- When describing the job duties of the ideal candidate, use "S/he" or "you."
- For example: "As Customer Success Manager for XYZ, you will be responsible for setting the product vision and strategy."
- Avoid (or balance) your use of gender-charged words
Research has shown that “gender language bias in job postings can predict the gender of the person you're going to hire:”
- Examples: "Survey" and "investigate" are typically associated with male traits, while "unite" and "assist" are considered female.
To prevent this from happening, use a tool like Textio or the free Gender Decoder to spot problems in your word choices.
Support new hires through the onboarding process. Let them know they can reach out for assistance with navigating the organization and learning the new tools and technologies they will be using, as well as to understand the benefits they’ll receive as part of your staff. Don’t assume everyone already has the insight and mentorship to know what decisions would most benefit them in choosing health insurance plans, for example.
Don’t stop there. Keep checking at intervals of 60, 90, 120 days, and beyond with your new employees to identify additional training and development opportunities to help them grow in their new role.
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