Ask. Capture. Act.
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When you don't know what members want, use the “Ask. Capture. Act.” process associated with intelligent engagement:
ASK a question. For example, why did you join? Give multiple choice options to be able to easily create workflows that are automated according to the answer. Example answers include professional development, certification, camaraderie, etc.
CAPTURE the answer so you can review the data and follow-up on what you learn.
ACT on the results. Redirect the member to a website or landing page associated with their answer, which indicates what they are interested in and relevant to them.

Download and save or print the Ask. Capture. Act. worksheet to brainstorm the moments when you could use this engagement method. Work backwards by first identifying the actions members can take, then decide what questions you can ask to get them there.
Use your Intelligent Engagement 101 worksheet to document the resources your association has that would help build the ideal member.
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