Policies that Support a Diverse Workplace
After completing this module, you will be able to:
1. Explain the importance of culture when combating racism in your organization
2. Evaluate your organizations’ policies hiring practices
The tasks below will be automatically checked off once you complete watching the videos and taking the quiz.
Lesson 5: Creating a Culture of Change
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If you are going to make real changes in your organization, it takes a group effort. This responsibility cannot be on one group of people or one level of management. All employees need to be invited to be a part of the change. To ensure that happens, your organization needs to work towards having a culture where every person is empowered to speak up and have a voice without fear of retaliation or being seen as complaining.
When people do speak up, they should feel confident they are going to be heard and that leadership is going to act on their comments to the degree they can.
Reevaluating Policies
Generally policies aren’t created by bad actors to purposely discriminate against one group of people. They are usually created out of what are considered norms and we need to start reevaluating these norms. This means looking at policies in a completely different way and rebuilding policies while also considering your relationship with your community and your employees.
Lesson 6: Reevaluating Hiring Practices
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As your organization reevaluates policies, it should also reevaluate its hiring practices. Many organizations make the following two mistakes when searching for and hiring new talent.

Reflection Questions
- Your organization should have a culture that allows people to speak up when they see something that makes them uncomfortable or when they notice barriers and be confident that they are going to be heard and, if possible, that their comment will be acted on. How does your organization hold up to that standard?
- What things in your organization do you feel like you have to defend in terms of inclusion and race? What is this telling you that you may need to work towards changing?
- List 2-3 policies that you regularly encounter in your job. How does these policies serve your employees? Are there any employees that this policy may not be serving? Are there any employees that are benefiting from this policy?
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Action Steps
How can you take what you’ve learned in this module back to your organization? Read over the Action Steps for Module 3 and try to start working on these steps in the next week.
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