Being Prepared
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Explain the importance of knowing your meeting platform inside and out.
- Identify the benefits of having a co-host.
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Know Your Platform
It is important that you learn your platform you will be using in advance. Play around with the tools that are available in your platform and learn how to use all of them before your meeting. Make sure you understand how the platform works on your device, because the platform may work differently depending on what device you are using.
Not only should you understand how the platform works on your device, check out how it works on other devices as well in case your participants have different devices. This can help you quickly troubleshoot some issues that may come up.
Practice before your meeting or webinar. Something may go wrong, but you want to make sure that you have done your due diligence so you can help navigate through any issues.
It is helpful to have a co-host when you are hosting a meeting or a webinar. When you have a co-host, you can delegate certain responsibilities such as monitoring the chat, troubleshooting technology issues, launching polls, and coordinating breakout rooms. Having a co-host can make your meeting or webinar run more seamlessly.
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