Meet the speaker
Paul Roetzer
Founder and CEO, Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute
Paul Roetzer is founder and CEO of PR 20/20 and Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute; author of The Marketing Performance Blueprint (Wiley, 2014) and The Marketing Agency Blueprint (Wiley, 2012); and the creator of the Marketing Artificial Intelligence Conference (MAICON). As a speaker, he's focused on making artificial intelligence approachable and actionable, and helping change agents drive transformation through marketing talent, technology and strategy. A graduate of Ohio University’s E.W. Scripps School of Journalism, Roetzer has consulted for hundreds of organizations, from startups to Fortune 500 companies.

About the AI Academy
AI Academy for Marketers is an online education platform that helps you understand, pilot and scale artificial intelligence.
For one low annual price, Members get:
- 30+ Courses organized by marketing categories.
- 5+ Certificates for completion of select deep-dive Courses.
- Ongoing access to new Courses and Certificates as they go live each quarter.
- Quick Take videos featuring simple answers to common AI questions and challenges.
- Private Community access to the AI Academy for Marketers Slack Group.
- Ask Me Anything Zoom sessions with Academy instructors.
- Marketing AI Conference (MAICON) keynote videos featuring industry leaders.
- AI Tech Showcase library featuring analyst-style briefings and product demos with leading marketing AI tech companies.
- Marketing AI Show Podcast library with audio and transcripts for each episode.
- Vendor discounts from select partners.
- MAICON 2021 VIP pricing and experiences.
- Dozens of additional resources, including: slide decks, templates, worksheets and quizzes.
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