How to keep them engaged
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Give them a voice
The path to engagement starts with belonging. Help new members find their voice within the culture and community of your association by providing multiple ways for them to express themselves. Some ideas include:
- New member surveys
- Suggested task forces/committees
- Entrance to members-only online communities
Welcome them in! Whether through a mentoring program, online buddy system, or purposeful introductions, create a welcoming space where individuals feel legitimately connected. By welcoming newcomers, they will increase their use of the engagement tools available and will have a path to become confident in their voice within the association.
Don’t make them wait
Don't make new members wait to get engaged by only giving them young member activities. They aren't going to wait to get involved to have a say in the future of the association.
When you allow new members to engage immediately, the full membership group will see your investment in all members, all age groups and all levels of tenure.
Integrate and elevate
Don’t assume how new members want to be involved and contribute. Be transparent and inclusive across the board.
Allow new members to join committees and to have an impact by allowing them to vote right away.
Remember: Don't limit yourself only to younger potential new members. Cast a wide net!
Give them real value
To engage and retain the members of any age, you must give them real value. Solve their unique problems. If you have met them where they are, listened and let them get involved, you should know their pain points. Different members have different pain points and each one is an opportunity to help your members and grow the association.
Identifying, engaging and onboarding new members shouldn't be the end of this process. This process should be about investing in your prospective journey all the way through their membership career.

Take time now to work through the questions for part 3 in the Who is your member of 2030? workbook.
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