Who is your member of 2030?
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Do you know who your members will be 10 years from now? You can’t expect to connect with, onboard, retain and elevate your member of 2030 the way you did your member of 1985.
With each generation comes different expectations of professional associations. By 2030 our membership world will look very different.
So, who will be your members 2030? And how will you recruit and retain them?
The search for your future member of any age or generational label must be an on-going commitment rooted in a sincere understanding of motivations and expectations. Join us to define, target and engage your members of 2030!
Together we will review the changes in workforce demographics that will have a significant impact on your association. Then we can better define your target audience as well as their distinctive needs and expectations. Finally, we will focus on recruitment and engagement.
This course will help you design and begin to cultivate a pipeline for future member development. If you are going to secure the next generation of membership, it is important to get started. Let us help you outline your plan!
The course is broken down into three parts. Click each tab to learn more about each.
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Define and identify prospective members.
- Reevaluate the association’s value proposition.
- Outline recruitment activities targeting new members.
- Better understand engagement tactics to draw in and immediately involve new members.
- Envision the multiple phases necessary for creating a long-range and future-focused membership pipeline.

Download and save or print the Who is your member of 2030? workbook to use as you work through the course.
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