Take action

After this lesson, you should be able to:
1. Summarize the different “Take Action” activities.
2. Select one activity to implement for your association.
3. Begin brainstorming how your association can implement the other activities.
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The tasks below will be automatically checked off once you complete watching the video and taking the quiz.
Identify the plays you’re going to make to take everything you've learned and put it out into the world.
Agile Efforts: Agile is a new business practice developed by software engineers that focus on the minimal viable products needed to put it in front of the customer as fast as they can to get feedback. Agile efforts also focus on customer delight. What is the customer getting out of it? The initiatives can be rolled out through prototypes or pilots.
Prototypes: Trying out the new product or service without over-investing. Share it with the customers or a segment before it’s done. For prototypes you need to identify two things:
- What features must be right before you sell?
- What innovations are you testing?
Pilots: Aimed at incremental rollouts. A small segment is receiving the product. Observe:
- How fast did they grasp the product?
- How fast did they put it to use?
- What is their experience of success?
- What is their sense of enthusiasm?
Get the Playbook: Taking Action
The following are activities you can complete to practice taking action. You can save and download or print the activities.
REFLECT: Which Take Action activities do you want your association to implement? What needs to happen for your association to take action?
See if you understand the concepts by completing the quiz. Click Take Action Quiz to begin.
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