Measure results

After this lesson, you should be able to:
1. Define the elements that should be measured during the quantitative return on investment reviews.
2. Explain the process for a qualitative return on investment review.
3. Summarize the important tactics for after-action reviews.
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The tasks below will be automatically checked off once you complete watching the video and taking the quiz.
Knowing your return on investment (ROI) after a pilot or prototype is key for understanding if they were successful. Remember, there are two types of ROIs:
- Quantitative returns: Did you make money? Save money? Lose money?
- Qualitative returns: If we didn’t earn anything, then what did we learn?
Also important for measuring success is the after-action review. Meet with your strategists, talk through what you thought would happen, what actually happened and what you learned. Your goal is to accelerate your learning curve by fostering an intentional and real understanding of what needs to continue and what needs to change.
Start taking action on your plans for strategic foresight with this activity.
Get the Playbook: Practice Measuring Results
The following plays are activities you can complete to practice measuring results. You can save and download or print the activities.
See if you understand the concepts by completing the quiz. Click Take Action Quiz to begin.
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