Connect the dots

After this lesson, you should be able to:
1. Define the different timeline to maturity trends.
2. Define the different likelihood scenarios.
3. Explain the purpose of secondary impacts.
4. Identify current trends in your association's industry.
5. Identify secondary impacts for the current trends in your association's industry.
6. Practice assigning key indicators to current trends in your association's industry.
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The tasks below will be automatically checked off once you complete watching the video and taking the quiz.
Qualifying trends including timeline, likelihood, secondary impacts and key indicators influence your environment and interact with each other in various ways. Connect those dots to see further ahead and develop appropriate strategies to leverage them to your benefit.
Qualifying trends
Click each tab to learn more.
REFLECT: What are the current trends in your association's industry? Are there secondary impacts for the current trends? What are key indicators to the current trends in your association's industry?
Get the Playbook: Connecting the Dots
The following plays are activities you can complete to practice connecting the dots. You can save and download or print the activities.
See if you understand the concepts by completing the quiz. Click Connect the Dots Quiz to begin.
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