After the equity audit
After the audit has been completed with all surveys returned, focus groups completed and data gathered by all stakeholders, compile the results to identify equity items that need to be addressed.
This can be done by documenting the responses for each question or data point. For surveys, consider using different kinds of display tactics like word clouds, but also zero in on specific responses that might identify gaps in your association’s offerings, skill sets, policies or approaches.
After the audit results have been compiled and the areas that need attention identified, complete the following steps:
- Present the data to stakeholders, likely your board of directors and members. Transparency is key here, because it shows that you recognize problem areas and it creates accountability.
- Discuss the meaning of the data: Analyze issues for impacts and alignment with diversity equity outcomes
- Short-term post-audit discussion questions:
- What did you learn about the association while completing the audit?
- Were there any surprises?
- What became clearer for you?
- What have been your equity pain points?
- What resonated in the summary data? What surprised you?
- Whose voices aren’t being heard in your association?
- Long-term post-audit discussion questions
- What resonated in your detailed data?
- What were your “successes?” Can you identify the policies, practices or decisions driving these results?
- What surprised you about your detailed data? What were you expecting to see?
- What are your areas of opportunity?
- What requires deeper assessment?
- What barriers are impeding the association’s equity journey?
- What assets and organizational champions can you leverage to advance equity in your association?
- Short-term post-audit discussion questions:
- Discuss potential solutions and consider the following questions:
- How will the potential solution increase equity?
- What are potential unintended consequences?
- What benefits may result?
- Are the solutions aligned with the association’s goals and values?
- Implement solutions: What resources/partnerships are needed to make changes?
- Monitor and evaluate the results: How will you evaluate and be accountable?
- Plan a time to revisit the audit to ensure your organization stays on track with new initiatives and does not create new issues.

Use the Equity Audit Potential Solution Questionnaire to work through the criteria that need to be areas of focus.
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